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Seventy-five years of measuring income inequality in Latin America
March 6, 2024 |

Long considered one of the most unequal regions in the world, Latin America also has a rich history of producing statistics on inequality and poverty. ... Continue reading

New website reveals the magnitude of inequality in Latin America
February 27, 2024 |

Official statistics on inequality in Latin America, exclusively based on surveys, only capture half of the macroeconomic income and underestimate capital income. This creates a ... Continue reading

Beyond class conflicts: Exploring recent trends in world political cleavages
February 9, 2024 |

Why has growing inequality in many parts of the world not led to renewed class-based conflicts, and seems instead to have come with the emergence ... Continue reading

Political cleavages in Greece 1981-2019
February 7, 2024 |

Modern Greek history has been a turbulent one. The devastation of the Civil War (1946-1949) gave way to an ‘Economic Miracle’ in the 1950s and ... Continue reading

Inequality across 700 years
January 31, 2024 |

Following the publication of Thomas Piketty’s book Capital in the Twenty-First Century in 2013, there has been a growing interest in economic inequality and its ... Continue reading

The wealth of generations
January 24, 2024 |

Since the 1980s, rich countries have witnessed an increase in wealth-to-income ratios, wealth inequality, and a boom in asset prices. Yet, little is known about ... Continue reading

Income Inequality in South Korea, 1933-2022
January 22, 2024 |

While South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world in the 1960s, it sustained positive growth in the 1980s and 1990s until ... Continue reading

New article published in JEEA on income inequality and taxation in Italy
January 16, 2024 |

The article “Reconstructing Income Inequality in Italy: New Evidence and Tax System Implications from Distributional National Accounts” by Demetrio Guzzardi, Elisa Palagi, Andrea Roventini, and ... Continue reading

The Long Way to Gender Equality
January 15, 2024 |

What are the contexts and factors that enable or hinder gender pay equalization?  What pathways have led to greater gender pay equality and where is ... Continue reading