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New paper on inequality in the Middle East
October 3, 2017 |

This new paper by F. Alvaredo, L. Assouad and T. Piketty, “Measuring Inequality in the Middle East, 1990-2016: The World’s Most Unequal Region?”, Working ... Continue reading

New paper on inequality in Lebanon
October 3, 2017 |

This new paper by Lydia Assouad, “Rethinking the Lebanese economic miracle: The extreme concentration of income and wealth in Lebanon 2005-2014”, Working Paper 2017/13, combines ... Continue reading

New paper and inequality series on India
September 5, 2017 |

This new paper by L. Chancel and T. Piketty, “Indian income inequality, 1922-2014: From British Raj to Billionaire Raj ?”, Working Paper series 2017/11, ... Continue reading

New paper and series on Brazil
September 1, 2017 |

This new paper by M. Morgan, “Extreme and Persistent Inequality: New Evidence for Brazil Combining National Accounts, Surveys and Fiscal Data, 2001-2015″, Working Paper, ... Continue reading

New paper and inequality series on Russia
August 1, 2017 |

This new paper by F. Novokmet, T. Piketty and G. Zucman, “From Soviets to Oligarchs: Inequality and Property in Russia, 1905-2016”, Working Paper 2017/09 ... Continue reading

July 2017 Newsletter
July 12, 2017 | & The World Inequality Lab Newsletter  Welcome to the second and World Inequality Lab newsletter, which covers our main developments over the last ... Continue reading

New income inequality series and paper for Cote d’Ivoire
July 6, 2017 |

HIGHLIGHTS: New data shows that the level of inequality in Cote d’Ivoire is substantially higher than previously thought. According to survey data, the top 1% income share ... Continue reading partners with the Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Institute
July 6, 2017 |

We are happy to announce that will partner with the CEQ Institute to produce Distributional National Accounts in a number of low and middle ... Continue reading

Fiscal income share series for the UK updated to 2014
July 5, 2017 |

The series of fiscal income shares for the United Kingdom have been extended to years 2013 and 2014 by Facundo Alvaredo (click here). As for all ... Continue reading