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Behavioral responses to wealth taxation: evidence from a Norwegian reform
diciembre 18, 2023 |

Although only a few OECD countries currently tax wealth (Colombia, Norway, Spain, Switzerland), the academic and political debate on the complementary role of wealth taxation ... Continuar leyendo

Inequality denial – A response to Auten and Splinter’s work on US inequality
diciembre 14, 2023 |

Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman respond to Auten and Splinter’s paper published in November 2023 in the Journal of Political Economy, which erroneously ... Continuar leyendo

Education at the centre of global poverty reduction
diciembre 6, 2023 |

Access to schooling has improved dramatically around the world in recent decades. How useful have these investments been in reducing poverty and gender inequality? Amory ... Continuar leyendo

The overlooked role of public goods in global poverty reduction
noviembre 30, 2023 |

Existing poverty statistics focus on household disposable income or consumption, ignoring the large share of national income accruing to individuals in the form of public ... Continuar leyendo

Contagious coercion: The effect of plagues on serfdom in the Baltics
noviembre 27, 2023 |

What drives labor coercion? Do plagues increase labor coercion by creating labor scarcity? Labor scarcity is the main hypothesized determinant of labor coercion Domar (1970), ... Continuar leyendo

Progressive taxation remains the global exception, new study shows
noviembre 26, 2023 |

What is the level and incidence of taxes and transfers worldwide, since 1980? Which countries do the most to reduce income disparities through taxes and ... Continuar leyendo

Unveiling Inequalities: Insights from the 2024 Asia-Pacific Human Development Report
noviembre 17, 2023 |

  The 2024 Asia-Pacific Human Development Report provides an assessment of the state of human development in Asia and the Pacific and policy pathways to ... Continuar leyendo

How do Chinese and French preferences for redistribution differ?
octubre 24, 2023 |

What influences our perceptions of inequality and our views of fairness? What drives the difference in demand for redistribution across countries? Why do poor people ... Continuar leyendo

How much does knowing where their money comes from affect what we think about the top 1%?
octubre 17, 2023 |

How much of the income of rich people comes from capital and how much from labor? And how does knowing this affect our perceptions of ... Continuar leyendo