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Australian top income shares extended from 1912 to 1920
abril 30, 2019 |

The series of top shares of fiscal income for Australia have been extended in the database to cover years from 1912 to 1920. This is ... Continuar leyendo

Update of top income share series for Australia
abril 29, 2019 |

Australian top fiscal income share series have just been updated to 2016 by Roger Wilkins. The top 1% income share reached 9% in 2016  (click ... Continuar leyendo

Desigualdades crecientes y divisiones políticas en España al borde de nuevas elecciones
abril 24, 2019 |

En este nueva nota temática, Amory Gethin, Clara Martínez-Toledano y Marc Morgan analizan la evolución conjunta de las desigualdades económicas y las divisiones políticas en ... Continuar leyendo

New paper on wealth-income ratios in India, 1860-2012
abril 10, 2019 |

This new paper by Rishabh Kumar studies the metamorphoses of aggregate Indian wealth over fifteen politically transformative decades. Based on a comprehensive new database, the ... Continuar leyendo

Nuevo estudio sobre las desigualdades en Europa, 1980-2017
abril 1, 2019 |

En este nuevo estudio y en la nota temática que lo acompaña (disponible en inglés, alemán, francés y español), Thomas Blanchet, Lucas Chancel y Amory Gethin estiman la evolución de la desigualdad de ingresos ... Continuar leyendo

New paper on the long-run evolution of political cleavages in India
marzo 18, 2019 |

This new paper by Abhijit Banerjee, Amory Gethin and Thomas Piketty combines surveys, election results and social spending data to document a long-run evolution of political ... Continuar leyendo

New paper on top income inequality in Belgium, 1990-2013
febrero 19, 2019 |

This new paper by André Decoster, Koen Dedobbeleer and Sebastiaan Maes documents the evolution of top income inequality in Belgium using tax tabulations and national accounts data. Their results ... Continuar leyendo

New paper on support for inheritance taxation
febrero 5, 2019 |

This new paper by Spencer Bastani and Daniel Waldenström studies how attitudes to inheritance taxation are influenced by information about the role of inherited wealth in society. ... Continuar leyendo

New paper on simplified distributional national accounts ( Working Paper 2019/01)
enero 14, 2019 |

This new paper by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman proposes a simplified methodology to estimate income inequality by combining surveys, tax data and ... Continuar leyendo