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Inequality in 2024: a closer look at six regions
नवम्बर 19, 2024 | WID.world

For more than 10 years, the World Inequality Lab has been working to produce data on income inequality, now covering 216 countries, with data going ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

China vs. India: how human capital shaped two distinct economic paths
नवम्बर 18, 2024 | WID.world

Between the 1910s and 2010, the education systems in China and India experienced remarkable growth, producing millions of skilled graduates and employing vast numbers of ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

Exploring optimal taxation to tackle the regressivity of Italy’s
अक्टूबर 22, 2024 | WID.world

Income and wealth inequality have been steadily rising in most developed economies since the 1980s, driven by wealthier households earning higher returns on their capital. ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

The local environmental and welfare effects of large industrial shutdowns in Germany
अक्टूबर 21, 2024 | WID.world

The clean energy transition and large-scale deindustrialization are transforming the industrial landscape of high-income economies, sparking debates over who will benefit and who will be ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

Wealth and income inequality on the rise in preindustrial Southern Italy 1550-1800
अक्टूबर 21, 2024 | WID.world

Economic inequality in pre-industrial societies has only recently become the subject of systematic research. Southern Italy offers a particularly good setting for studying the long-term ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

James K. Boyce’s inaugural GiRA lecture on inequality and the environment now available
अक्टूबर 10, 2024 | WID.world

  On April 5, 2024, James K. Boyce, co-winner of the 2024 Global Inequality Research Award (GiRA), gave a lecture at Sciences Po Paris. In ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

Inequality in life and death – how 1/3 of the population passes away leaving behind debt in Vienna
अक्टूबर 7, 2024 | WID.world

Despite the fame of Austrian composers Franz Schubert and Mozart, both passed away with minimal wealth, leaving their families unable to afford proper funerals. Two ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

Rowaida Moshrif, new co-director of the World Inequality Lab
सितम्बर 9, 2024 | WID.world

From September 2024, Rowaida Moshrif will become Co-director and Head of Data of the WIL. This new role reflects the pivotal function that she has ... पढ़ना जारी रखें

New research uncovers key mistakes in Auten and Splinter’s estimates of US inequality
जुलाई 31, 2024 | WID.world

Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman fleshed out their response to Auten and Splinter’s paper published in the Journal of Political Economy (2024), which ... पढ़ना जारी रखें