अप्रैल 29, 2019
लेखक WID.world

Update of top income share series for Australia

Australian top fiscal income share series have just been updated to 2016 by Roger Wilkins. The top 1% income share reached 9% in 2016  (click here).

The sources and methods follow Burkhauser, Richard V. , Hahn, Markus H. and Wilkins, Roger (2015). Measuring top incomes using tax record data: a cautionary tale from Australia. Journal of Economic Inequality, 13(2): 181-205 (click here), and Leigh, Andrew and Atkinson, Anthony B. (2007). The Distribution of Top Incomes in Australia, in A. B. Atkinson and T. Piketty (2007) Top Incomes over the Twentieth Century. A Contrast Between Continental European and English-Speaking Countries, OUP (click here).

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